
Busycal icon broken
Busycal icon broken

busycal icon broken

✨ Alternate month names now show on mouse-over in month view.✨ Vertical swipe gesture now works in Bus圜al Menu's mini calendar to switch between months.

busycal icon broken

  • ✨ Dimming of past events now works in List view.
  • 🆕 Hold down option key when clicking on the Today button to align the current date to the top of the calendar in month view.
  • 🆕 Accessibility option to allow showing the month abbreviation on every date in month view, all the time.
  • 🆕 Accessibility option (under Preferences > Appearance) to allow scrolling within overflowing days in month view without holding down the option key.
  • 🆕 URL handler support added to allow toggling DND (Do not disturb) on and off in Bus圜al (via busycaldnd:// ).
  • 🆕 Ability to add a new filter from the right-click context menu on the smart filter bar.
  • 🆕 Double-clicking in Bus圜al Menu's mini calendar now opens Bus圜al and selects the date.
  • 🔨 Fixed bug where a new event created by dragging in Day view would not show when inside of a smart filter.
  • 🔨 Fixed bug where printing multiple months would occasionally filter out some events or tasks.
  • ✨ Updated Todoist integration to use their latest sync requirements.
  • ✨ The Join meeting button, displayed in the alarm window, loses its color when you're 1/3rd into the meeting.
  • ✨ You can now quickly open locations from the Info Panel by clicking on a little shortcut button that appears when an address is detected.
  • ✨ Subscribed calendars are now grouped separately from Birthdays and Anniversaries.
  • ✨ When the "Show month name for every day" appearance setting is enabled, print will now include month names.
  • ✨ Improved syncing of colored events from CalDAV servers with built-in support, such as Fastmail.
  • ✨ Menu app now shows both start and end times for events.
  • 🆕 New print option for Month View: omit abbreviated month names in date cell.
  • busycal icon broken

    🆕 Calendar picker menus now show 5 recently used calendars for quick picking.🆕 Selecting a single event in day / week view with more than one timezone showing, will now show its converted start time in the timezone ribbon on the left.Useful for project managers looking to see a quick overview. 🆕 Week view now supports showing up to 31 days.🔨 Fixed bug where a custom alarm would not parse correctly for new tasks when using natural language input.🔨 Fixed bug where a floating time alert from Todoist would show as time shifted to local GMT offset.🔨 Fixed bug where a locally deleted calendar would fail to delete from certain CalDAV servers at times and later resurrect.🔨 Fixed bug where certain text-navigation shortcuts, such as CMD+down-arrow, would not work in the floating Info Panel.✨ Office 365 / Outlook connections now use TLS 1.2 by default.✨ Improved handling of Google Calendar throttling when syncing shared calendars.✨ Searches performed in the Time Zone picker now return listings from built-in time zones such as GMT.ics invites instead of always creating a new Task eml file on the dock icon now automatically extracts embedded. 🆕 Do not disturb can be turned on for an indefinite period of time.🆕 Near-zero lag when switching between calendar views whilst loading hundreds of events to display.🆕 Substantially improved scrolling performance when scrolling through week / month / year view with hundreds of events on screen.

    busycal icon broken

    NOTE: This setting only applies to Events and not Tasks. Switch between combined events from the Info Panel. 🆕 Combine identical events from across multiple calendars (from the View menu) and show the first, appropriate event.

    Busycal icon broken