
Symptoms of insomnia in teenage girl
Symptoms of insomnia in teenage girl

symptoms of insomnia in teenage girl

Insufficient sleep is a pervasive and prominent public health concern that is being exacerbated by modern “24/7” society ( Chattu et al., 2018). A cross-sectional study among adolescents (13–15 years old) shows that 31% receive less than 8 h of sleep on weekdays ( Garmy et al., 2020). These recommendations are close to those in Sweden (10–11 h for children aged 6–12 and 8–9 h for adolescents aged 13–18), which might reflect national sleep habits ( Andree et al., 2015). Recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation in the United States for nightly sleep duration are 9–11 h for school-aged children (6–13 years old) and 8–10 h for teenagers (14–17 years old) ( Hirshkowitz et al., 2015). Sufficient sleep is defined as the amount of sleep required for optimal daytime functioning ( Reynolds and Banks, 2010). Thus, the recommended sleep duration varies according to age and context. Sleep duration changes through life due to biological and social factors connected to growing and aging ( Bódizs, 2021). Even though this nocturnal shift is an expected aspect of this developmental stage, late evening habits and early morning school-start times cause many adolescents to have insufficient sleep ( Colrain and Baker, 2011). For example, adolescents can change from being alert in the morning to becoming alert in the evening ( Colrain and Baker, 2011). Also, biological development processes such as puberty affect sleep and sleep patterns among adolescents ( Carskadon, 2011). As such, it is vital to consider sex and family affluence when investigating adolescent sleep. Also, adolescents in families with downward socioeconomic mobility were more likely to report sleep problems ( Sivertsen et al., 2017). Previous studies found that insomnia after puberty is more common among females than males ( Zeng et al., 2020). There are factors over which adolescents have no influence but may impact their sleep, such as their sex and their family’s financial situation.

symptoms of insomnia in teenage girl

Sleep problems in childhood and adolescence increase the risk for emotional and behavioral difficulties in adulthood ( Gregory and Sadeh, 2012 Shochat et al., 2014), so it is important to identify factors in childhood that are predictive of insomnia symptoms in adolescence. Short sleep duration, insomnia symptoms, and daytime sleepiness are common among adolescents ( Shochat et al., 2014).

Symptoms of insomnia in teenage girl